Friday, December 2, 2011

Let the journey begin....

After much talk about baby #2 it looks like Josh won the battle. I was on the fence about starting so soon ( no offense baby ?) I know I wanted a sister or brother for Londyn but I was thinking maybe spend one more summer with Londyn not pregnant. Just the idea of being pregnant again made my stomach turn. At some points I missed it but now that I'm back in it I know why I didn't like it from the start. We didn't want our kids to be so spread apart in age so again a year would have been prefect. I was obsessed with the idea of having a summer baby. Being that we live with many different seasons it's hard to have parties outside only in the summer. So little one all I'm thinking of is you and your parties. So it's been decided since it took me 3 months the last 2 times let's get started in October. 1 month passed and nothing. I really started to look forward to it and got a little upset when it didn't happen. Next month comes around and Gabby and I were out on black Friday shopping at toys r us at 9 pm I had cramps I thought oh I must be getting my period. Time goes by and still no period. About a week prior I was cleaning out the linen closet and I stood up and almost passed out. I really thought I just forgot to eat. Everywhere I went the stench was so strong. It started to get a little obvious that I should take a test. December 2nd (after a cigar, beer & sushi) 3 things I would have to give up right away, the stick said pregnant. Josh was shocked I guess because he didn't know what I was feeling but I knew it. So off to my new journey....
Here is proof you are baking in my belly.

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