Friday, December 23, 2011

8 week ultrasound & 1st doctor visit

The best part of being pregnant are the ultrasounds!! Hearing the heartbeat still amazes me that women grow a little baby in their belly. I was nervous hoping everything was OK. Having that one miscarriage around the same time is nerve-racking. Everything went well while I was there what a relief.
Since I had all these issues last time my doctor wanted to test me for everything earlier. Londyn was born preterm at 36 1/2 week & low birth weight. So they tested me for some bacteria ureaplasma & I tested positive. I looked it up & it said it's most likely result of low birth weight, miscarriage, preterm labor. They put me on medication to make it go away. Then they mentioned I have low potassium again & a hemorrhage. Thank God the hemorrhage this time around didn't make me bleed, it scared me so much I thought I miscarried last time. So although I seem to already have issues they aren't anything I'm not used to. I'm just nervous if this bacteria doesn't go away will I go earlier then I did with Londyn.
Here is my first look at my baby.

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